Annabel Lee
ANNABEL LEE BY : EDGAR ALLAN POE Annabel Lee” takes up a common subject in Edgar Allan Poe’s writing: the death of a beautiful young woman. It portrays this as the most tragic death of all—robbing the world of youth, beauty and innocence. The tragedy of this loss is mostly explored through the portrayal of the narrator's grief, which colors every line of the poem. The poem shows the way grief attaches itself to a person and refuses to let go, an experience intensified here by the added tragedy of a life cut short. The poem doesn’t make a clear, neat argument about death and grief—and in a way, that’s the point. Grief is disorientating and overpowering, and the poem embodies this from start to finish. The speaker is completely defined by the death of his lover. They were children when they met and the speaker seems to have remained locked in this childhood love throughout his life. That is, as the poem unfolds line after line, it becomes clear that there's only one t...